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Rubbish and Recycling

There are big changes happening in 2024 for rubbish and recycling in your area.


Collection of DCC Black rubbish bags will be stopping on 31 July 2024

A new Red lidded 140 litre rubbish bin will be delivered by the DCC in May / June 2024.  These will not be collected until first week in July so don't fill them up as soon as they are delivered.

Depending on where your flat is, these red bins will be collected either weekly or fortnightly.  Search "Changes to DCC Kerbside Collection in 2024" and enter your address on that page to see which bins you will be getting and when they will be collected.

New Green lidded bins will be delivered by the DCC in May / June 2024 for food and green waste.  These will not be collected until first week in July so don't fill them up as soon as they are delivered.

Depending on where your flat is this will either be 140 litre or smaller a 23 litre size for food scraps.  These will be collected weekly.  Search "Changes to DCC Kerbside Collection in 2024" and enter your address on that page to see which size bin you will be getting.

Yellow bins for mixed recycling will continue to be used and collected.

Depending on where your flat is this these will be collected either weekly or fortnightly.  Search "Changes to DCC Kerbside Collection in 2024" and enter your address on that page to see when your bin will be collected.

Blue bins for glass jars and bottles will continue to be used and collected.

Depending on where your flat is this these will be collected either weekly or fortnightly.  Search "Changes to DCC Kerbside Collection in 2024" and enter your address on that page to see when your bin will be collected.

We highly recommend that you do search out the "Changes to DCC Kerbside Collection in 2024" web page and look at the Q&A link to understand what is going on and how it will affect you and your flat.

We also recommend that you download the "DCC Kerbside Collections" app onto your phone so you have all the latest information and you will always know what bin to put out and what you can and can't recycle.


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